Category: Digital Marketing

Search Google or Type a URL: What Is it Exactly?

The phrase “Search Google or Type a URL” essentially presents two main ways to access information online: 1. Search Google: This refers to using a search engine like Google to find information on the internet. You enter keywords or phrases related to what you’re looking for in the search bar. Google then crawls and indexes […]

Most Popular Instagram Captions For 2024

The most popular Instagram captions for 2024 are all about expressing yourself authentically, connecting with your audience, and keeping things engaging. Here are some trends to inspire your next post: Honesty and Vulnerability: “It’s not perfect, but it’s mine.” “Learning to be okay with not having it all figured out.” “Sometimes you just gotta laugh […]

Google Word Coach: Everything You Need to Know About

What is Google Word Coach? It’s a word game by Google designed to help users learn and practice new words. It appears as a quiz box below dictionary and translation results on Google Search, or when you search for “Google Word Coach” directly. It’s available in various languages and focuses on building English vocabulary for […]

Want to know what people are searching on youtube globally

I’d be happy to help you discover what people are searching for on YouTube globally! Here are some options to get you started: 1. Top global YouTube searches: Similarweb: According to their analysis, the most searched term on YouTube globally in 2023 is “ASMR,” followed by “mrbeast,” “sidemen,” “lofi,” and “BTS.” You can explore their […]

Deciphering Target Rating Points (TRPs)

Deciphering Target Rating Points (TRPs) can seem complex, but I can help you break it down! Here’s the breakdown: What are TRPs? TRPs: Stands for Target Rating Points. Meaning: This metric measures the percentage of your target audience who saw your advertisement on television or another media platform. How are TRPs calculated? Formula: TRPs = […]

What is the recommended format for implementing schema markup

The recommended format for implementing schema markup is JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data). Here’s why it’s preferred over other options: Advantages of JSON-LD: Easy to implement: It doesn’t require embedding code within HTML elements, making it simpler to add and maintain. Cleaner code: It keeps the markup separate from the content, improving readability […]